Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Of Pizza…

My family loves pizza.  At one time my parents owned several pizza restaurants and we had pizza for dinner at least once a week.   

We generally like Barbequed Chicken or black olive pizza. 

In Brazil, those two flavors weren’t on the menu.  Instead they had pizza with chicken, a thick creamy cheese sort of like cream cheese, and quail eggs.  Hard boiled quail eggs.  On a pizza.

As you can probably tell, I thought hard boiled eggs on my pizza was a little odd, but I did eventually get used to them and didn’t even mind them.

Brazilian pizza also has very little sauce.  And by little I mean it barely colors the crust.  They make up for the lack of sauce by serving it with ketchup and mayonnaise.  Yes, you did read that right.  Mayo on pizza. 

I did not become accustomed to mayo, although I did put ketchup on my pizza.  It really isn’t bad.

During trips to Belem we would have a choice between two American restaurants.  McDonald’s or Pizza Hut.  One time we chose Pizza Hut and got the all-you-can-eat lunch where waiter continually brought pizzas around to the tables.

We loaded up on the pepperoni pizza, barely sparing a glace for any of the other flavors.  The waiter told us that we had eaten more pepperoni pizza in one meal than they usually sold.  So apparently, Brazilians think as little of America’s number one flavor of pizza as we thought of mayonnaise on our pizza.

In the end, pizza is a universal food, and almost no matter what the toppings, my family enjoys it.

All except the mayo, that is.